The painting created for Together1Heart Foundation
It will be auctioned off at one of our collaborative event in may/june. To register your interest, please sign up for our e-mail letter.
The profit will go to T1H Foundation.
original ink on canvas
The Girl
The painting of the real girl, who has a name, and her own story. The girl that inspired me to create something beautiful out of the darkest primal fear. To see the light in her eyes, and to believe “she can, and she will” grow up into a great woman; be happy; be healthy; be who ever she wants to be.
She is just one of many. The GIRL. Unique as she is, she has many “sisters” with the same story and history of sexual abuse, violence and, luckily, in her case, an escape.
She is THE GIRL with a success story, hopefully a future and a life filled with healing and love. I want this GIRL to be the face of a change for better, a face of hope, an inspiration not just for the girls who have been “mistreated” but also those who hide the truth from themselves about brutality of so many places in the world, where girls and women are treated like objects, things for sale.